#1Everworld No. 10: Understand the U...by colin_0856211everworld #2The Second Everfallby Joshua Saayo2211The story sets in the Everworld where a second generation of the Everfall had been brought in. A new adventure will start from our new main character, Lucid the Vampire...fantasyeverfallscifi+10 more #3Everworld #5 - Discover the Destro...by colin_0873331applegateeverworlddiscover+1 more #4Everworld No. 9: Inside the Illusi...by colin_0842431everworld #5Everworld No. 6: Fear the Fantasticby colin_0860331everworld #6Everworld No. 12: Entertain the Endby colin_0845521everworld #7Everworld No. 7: Gateway to the Go...by colin_0857721everworld #8Everworld #2 - Land of Lossby colin_081.3K121losseverworldland+1 more #9Everworld #4 - Realm of the Reaperby colin_0875261applegatereaperrealm+1 more #10Everworld #1- Search for Sennaby colin_083.1K201searchapplegatesenna+1 more #11Over thinkingby barbielex5043Everyday thoughts killing me...!everworldunseenday+1 more