Velocity's Pulse: Thunder Race alakiiop
Arc Title: Thunder Race
In the neon-lit heart of Neo-Tokyo, the cycling community is abuzz with anticipation as the "Thunder Race" approaches. This second arc...
Velocity's Pulse: Neon Pursuit alakiiop
"Velocity's Pulse" is a gripping narrative that propels readers into the heart of a bustling city where bicycles aren't just a means of transportation, but a w...
The girl who love too hard, and VA
He ignores her. As if she is no longer exist. Without knowing why, she was abandoned.
PENGKIDby aininabilo
Semua berkomakan silam, dunia hadapan menjadi kelam . Seorang gadis yang selalu meletakkan dirinya di jurang kesalahan sering memperkatakan dia punca segala. Bertemankan...
Endure The Art Of Cycling ( SekYeeTing
“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they ha...