break the distance - lamsby inactive
john laurens and alexander hamilton are internet friends. they met under a lgbt post.
what'll happen when one falls for the other?
candy boy - lamsby inactive
john laurens is the one who makes all the candy in the world. he's usually called the "sugar fairy".
legend has it that if you chanted, "sugar fairy, pl...
photograph - lamsby inactive
"we keep this love in a photograph, we make these memories for ourselves, where are eyes are never closing, hearts are never breaking, time's forever frozen still...
robot - lamsby inactive
john laurens is a robot.
robots couldn't feel emotions..
but he did.
the only problem? the person he loved wanted a "real" person..
cupid's lover - lamsby inactive
god of love, cupid, has been sent down to earth to help a certain freckled boy. cupid, now going by 'Alexander Hamilton', befriends the boy and tried to help him find lo...
king's servant - lamsby inactive
alexander hamilton is the king of the united states, who happened to be both queen/kingless and childless.
john laurens happens to be one of his 'special' servants who h...