Star Wars Rebels: The Rise of the...by Darrel's Wonderland
The Clone Wars had come to an end, and after the Jedi Order fell, the Republic became an Empire. Ahsoka and Darrel went into hiding after the Battle for Mandalore. Time...
The Imperial: A Star Wars Storyby Jell Liang
As the republic fell the empire rose in its place.
For Tonika Zirus the thought of getting a higher position did not dawn on her until she met Governor Wilhuff Tarkin o...
Grand Moff Tarkin X Inquisitor Rea...by Pot-Goblin
Obviously I own nothing of star wars please enjoy this fan fic of Wilhuff Tarkin.
Lord Vaders personal Grand Inquisitor, not that you were his Padawan anymore he just ha...
Star Wars Rebels: Downfall of the...by Lost Apprentice
This story takes place immediately after the events of the groundbreaking Season 2 finale, Twilight of the Apprentice! With Ahsoka dead, Kanan blinded, and Maul on the l...
they were the droids I was looking...by master-kenobi
a stormtooper who was thought to be terrible at his job but he knows the trueth