prollysimpin X joyby shutupyourmouseobama
two homophopic girls come out lesbian and hide it from their 10 year old fans.
they slowely fall in love but try to keep it a secret.
owner--i know many of my stories ar...
The Moose's Habibisby John Aid
A Moose must chase after an army in a six part epic to save the love of his life. With her point in direction, he heads off, not the hero we need, but the hero we want t...
Hamood Habibiby Uswa Malik
Hamood Habibi Hamood Habibi Hamood Habibi Hamood Habibi Hamood Habibi Hamood Habibi Hamood Habibi Hamood Habibi Hamood Habibi