In a world teetering on the edge of oblivion, a young artist with a mysterious past finds herself linked to a hidden realm where forgotten spirits walk among the living...
In "The Enigma of Emberwood," Lily Donovan's world turns upside down when a mysterious letter and a hidden artifact propel her into the heart of a forbidden, m...
The Guardian of the Hidden Realm
In a world where magic flows through every living being, legends speak of a hidden realm deep beneath the earth. This ancient place, shr...
Siblings Elara and Ren embark on a daring quest through a hidden moonlight realm to find their missing mother, a powerful enchantress. Armed with fire and healing magic...
Embark on a captivating journey through the mystical realms of the Himalayas in this semi-fictional short story. 🏔️📖
Join a young medical student navigating the intri...
"In the quiet town of Crestwood, four high school friends stumble upon an ancient key that unlocks a hidden realm filled with magic and secrets. With the realm on t...
"The Enchanted Locket" is a captivating tale that transports readers into a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story follows the journey of you...
"The Enigma of The Midnight Codex" is a tale of a curious young girl who moves into a mysterious mansion with her historian and archaeologist parents. She stum...
A man is cursed to have his firstborn child to be an evil child and the end of the world. He finds out that wife is pregnant and panics and banishes her out of the king...
Ayaki Takashi a young girl who is around her 20s died due to an accident.
She then got Reincarnated in an anime that she watched a long time ago, the name of the Anime...
The world seems to change in many ways throughout one's lifetime. But for Analia Bennett, the world never seems to stay the same. After discovering the truth behind her...
Danellia Blackwell is a 17 year old girl thought she was a normal girl with a normal life, but what she didn't know was she is she is a Royal. Not only that she is the d...
"Oh, darling. Don't you know the rules? If you die here in the Spirit Realm, there's no going back to your world anymore."
All it took was one terror attack in...