Capes 2: The Super High-School Sto...by Nate Brings the Rain
In the sequel to Capes Danny and his friends return to Abas. Another story filled with action packed tales of your typical high school drama and some not-so-typical...
Hot anime guysby 123pandora
You name it I'll do stuffs
Haha I have no idea if I should have it rated mature or not xD
Here's To Us (On Hold. For Now!)by MissRandomness
That got your attention, didn't it?
"You put what in my hair?!" He exclaimed angrily, ripping the hair bands out of his white blond hair.
I laughed l...
Capes 3: The Super High-School Sto...by Nate Brings the Rain
Danny, Becka and the crew find themselves brutally whipped into a war between the Disciples and the Silencers. When someone makes an appearance in Danny's life he must c...