The Long Old Tale of Man Yet to Co...by Czarama
A long old tale, lingered from generation to generation; culture to culture. Managing to spread its moral meanings and teachings across this forsaken land we call home.
The Last Generationby Milieu Coffee Bean
What happens when our world suddenly change, how will people react?
survivors gather. people fight for resources and eventually destroys one another.
A zombie affiliate...
Echoes of the Dreamerby SterkaEhis
In a world where dreams transcend the boundaries of reality, "Echoes of the Dreamer" immerses readers in a mesmerizing tale of one individual's extraordinary g...
Decide what you wantby BaisaneVarsha
This will show you how you exactly feel and what you want truly...sometimes what we think might not be the right thing for us..
Banned Mind Control
Techniques Un...by I Hate Humans
Learn the Dark Secrets of
Hypnosis, Manipulation,
Deception, Persuasion,
Brainwashing and Human