The Tale of Two Siblings (Reader a...by Nufex_
Akio, the sibling of Shouto, have applied into the notorious school for all future heroes, U.A. Akio and Shouto, on their way to U.A with a future brighter than the sun...
My First And Last Night With Youby 💀🖤Eli🖤💀
she didnt exspect to leave an impact on anyone when she was gone.
Her name was Elizabeth violet Stanford.
She was only 16 at the time and very cute might i add. She wa...
Iqarus: The ICEE Polar Bearby Madden Lame
For the past 7 months I've worked at a movie theater writing a story about how the ICEE Polar Bear cardboard cutout came to be possessed by a demon. I wrote it for my ow...
Angel's Fight: a TSS/MC fanfic (co...by Im Gross
Angel is a lone wolf, surviving on her own. But what happens when she looses her memory, makes new friends, and doesn't know who's watching? Read to find out. (basically...
Abibliophobia (SetoSolace)by Haven
noun. fear of running out of reading material.
There are Phase Three Readers everywhere. Most cities have been evacuated or infected. The world has gone to crap.
And Jas...
Quirky Appalachian girl meets trou...by mermaid uwu
uwu 😶 *blushes* looks like she's got herself in a sticky 😝 situation!~
can she get out? 😃