The Emerald Conspiracy: A Thrillin...by Enigma Explorers
"The Emerald Conspiracy: A Thrilling Mystery" is a suspenseful tale of greed, ambition, and the enduring pursuit of truth. In this Agatha Christie-style myste...
Diamonds Blokeby VIKTOR A. KING
**Title: Diamonds Bloke**
**Author: Viktor A. King**
This novel takes you into a strange and fantastical world through the work of Viktor A. King. The story follows the...
Dark Love, Shattered Kingdomby great attai
"In the heart of a fractured realm, 'Shadows of Fate' unfolds, a tale woven with the threads of cursed love, ruthless conquest, and the haunting power of the Trosia...
YAZHINIby Ronnbaby
In the bustling city of Mumbai, Yazhini, an orphan with big dreams, embarks on a journey to carve out a successful career for herself. Little did she know that her path...
Shadows of Deceitby Angwyynn Angwyynn
In the tranquil village of Ravenwood, Detective Inspector Victoria Brooks receives an enigmatic invitation to a gathering at Castlewick Manor, owned by the elusive Lord...
the Brave to be Yourselfby MushWolf
In the depths of the Kingdom of Alborch, amidst its tall towers and stone walls, lies a tale of brave, authenticity, and mysteries shrouded in shadows. Princess Trea, wi...