#1Because Of You..by Ishi Mizu1011Another sucky but feeling poem...ishimizupoempoetry #2Determine Meby Ishi Mizu911sucky :P but ehCompletedishimizupoempoetry #3Ugly Face Beautiful Heartby Ishi Mizu8701Just a poem that suck but feels.ishimizupoempoetry #4Locked Awayby Ishi Mizu1111Poem of feelings being locked up.ishimizupoempoetry #5Monster Insideby Ishi Mizu1411sucky -had to redo cause accidentally deleted-Completedishimizupoempoetry #6My Ardor For The Devilby Ishi Mizu1111Feeling poem. For fun. -Been awhile since done these-poetryfeelingspoem+2 more #7Halfby Ishi Mizu1301Is he a devil or a angel... Or both?ishiishimizumizu #8You Are My Shooting Starby Ishi Mizu5551Poem of how someone means a lot to you and you do your best chasing them. Been looking to give this poem to my true star. Jang KeunSuk . It sucks but eh!Completedpoemrandomtruelove+9 more #9Cinderella?by Ishi Mizu501Sucky eh poemishimizupoetry #10Standing Byby Ishi Mizu801Sucky but honest short poemishimizupoem #11Memories (old rp parts, stories an...by Ishi Mizu390123.ishimizutwistedaddictsbesties+4 more #12Am I A Pretty Girlby Ishi Mizu501Sucky poem!ishimizupoempoetry #13Not Love?by Ishi Mizu701Sucky poemishimizupoetry