Romeo and Juliet Play/Story by Snaxxiesbae
If you wanna read the play/story, go ahead. The text is translated into modern texts, but still holds value as the original script. Btw as writing this down, I've come t...
Prompts by HistoriaFritz
My friends an I have decided to write prompts for fun, if they allow me to, I'll also post theirs here :).
Its only for 13 days though :)
Keko-Friend no. 1
The Elite Communityby The Elite Community
Pronounciation /eɪˈliːt,ɪˈliːt/
a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.
And that is exactly what...
Kiss me or elseby knight-ex
( love me but I hurt you)
This is story is full of excitement, warning don't be afraid to feel in love
Because there's a time it will happen to you
ito po yung una kung...
There's nothing scarier than life by grenforest
A short description of what possibilities life can offer. And a telling of how made up horrors don't compare at all to real life.
Skye Taylor is a teenage girl who lives with her mum and sister since her parents just got divorced.She has to move to another place and another school meeting new peopl...
Ask Kankri Vantasby Kankri Vantas
Hell9, Kankri Vantas here to answer any 9f y9ur questions. 6egin asking them 9n the first page, which will have s9me set gr9und rules. Thank y9u f9r clicking this 699k...
A series of misfortuned sarahstyles889
As a teenager Nina suffers many ups and down during her journey in this troubled world. Will she find a person that would help her?
Will life beat her down to ground? W...