Mario X Meggy: Aftermath (Disconti...by InfiniteLeJackal
Continuing after the battle on Anime Island, Mario and friends are relieved that Francis had been defeated, and that all of the inklings, including Meggy, had been saved...
SMG4: The Downfall of Meggy Spletz...by InfiniteLeJackal
...What if...
The determined human known as Meggy, failed to fulfill her rival's dying wish during the war on Anime Island last year...? Find out here in this alternativ...
Mario x Meggy: The Smg4 story arcs...by RizQal09
Hello everybody, welcome to my first book! It is about the smg4 story arcs, but we add ships that you guys love in it!
Discontinued, but feel free to continue this story...
To you, Reginald Jeeves.by Aster
Bertie's discovery and memories through coping with the death of Reginald Jeeves, his valet, his mentor, his friend.
Foreign Correspondenceby CravatLad
Jeeves is of the view that his master has once more become in entangled in another unsuitable liaison with the fairer sex. The rather feisty and headstrong Patricia Yatt...