#1The Soul Storyby Lost Girl Therapy23016Tidbits and takeaways from intuitive healing practices.higherpowerselfloveenergetic+12 more #2The sickle cell warriorby Nephritina Frierson6164Being born with a disability that nobody can see us hard but missing out on a "NORMAL" life was just what God deal her.. ✍ this story is a testimony in itself...sicklecellgodslovejourneytoself+4 more #3journey to self (road to yesterday)by sadiasani5766Reflection, recovery, growth, peace, acceptance.journeytoselfgrowthroadtoyesterday+1 more #4The Apogogical Argumentsby Joshua Kidwell102A Ridiculous Recounting of Absurd Eventsjourneytoselfknowthyselfawakening+7 more #5Fated Roadby Simla S1801Thriller storyjourneytoselfjourneyofdiscoveryfate+12 more