Phoenix Ascending: Rising from the...by Shreya Maheshwari
After a fatal encounter with dark forces, Harry Potter finds himself thrust into a realm between life and death. Resurrected by forces beyond comprehension, he's granted...
New Mountain Enginesby Louis Holmes
Life is far from dull on the Culdee Fell Railway. There are some new engines, numbers 9 and 10, that have caused a great deal of trouble and have cause a ruckus for the...
Harry Potter and the dark trueby Ami
Harry was eight years old when Lord Voldemort attacked his house on that fateful Halloween night. On that fateful night, Dumbledore made a mistake and called Harry's you...
The King of Slytherin || Haitus ||by Daughter_of_Poseidon_n_a_Witch
Hey, guys, this is an adopted story from @halphoebe that I am continuing. @D_E_L_E_T_E is also continuing this story on her page. Please go check out hers as it will be...
Bouquet of Secrets ~On Hold~by G.L.
25th of December, 1991.
Neville comes across a gift on his bed, left by someone calling themselves 'Suiren'...
Who is leaving our resident Herbologist these floral arran...