Hiroki and Takashi by Iris 🎀
A poignant tale of love and loss set against the backdrop of traditional Japanese society. This story follows the journey of two young boys, Hiroki and Takashi, whose fo...
Invisible Echoes: Poems of the Gla...by chenyan_204
"Invisible Echoes: Poems of the Glass Child" is a haunting collection that dives deep into the fragile heart of the unseen, the unheard, and the overlooked. Th...
The Enchanted Forest and the Tragi...by Anvitha
"The Enchanted Forest and the Tragic Encounter" is a captivating narrative that begins with a mesmerizing description of a magical forest. Avanya's inner thoug...
Forever Yours in Timeby Story teller
"Forever Yours in Time" is a touching love story about Alexander, a scientist, and Sophia, a college student, whose lives intertwine until tragedy strikes. Det...