The Soulbound Sword: Betrayal and...by Dugzai
In a world where magic and technology coexist, in this world many types of beings exist in this land they are Quantum Constructs, Shadowkin, Bio-Elemental, Nebulans, Arc...
Metalloidby Spiritel
The boy sat in a dark room. A very, very dark room. He doesn't know how long he's been here, nor does he know where this place is. He felt at peace, while at the same ti...
Beyond Borders: Cordillera Summonsby
When a New Year's Eve celebration turned into a disaster due to an unexplainable event that whisked away a region and its inhabitants from Earth and dropped them into an...
Returner's Legacy: [Chronomancer]...by Bennie Kimia
In the 22nd Century, an unprecedented outburst of Monsters occurred on [Geoid-Earth], causing a tragedy across the planet. The event known as the [Eve of the Cataclysm]...
Magic and the Black Cloaksby Luna_renn and Immortality Suc...
Winter Flynt was a person from a background he didn't exactly care for, but part of his nature was to fight, fighting was a way of life for a lot of people like him but...
Magic in the Air: The Traveler and...by Nick "NSC Zach" Zacharewicz
After recovering from his wounds, Dean is keen to get back to his hometown, even if that means being part of a guild maintenance crew. But joining one will take him out...
Drizzle and Sparkby E. W. Selke
Skye is a nerdy witch who gets passive-aggressively sent by her family to a federal college of ancient arts because she had zero life plans or aspirations. She swears th...
The Witches Of Berwickby Patricia
Just a series of small wacky adventures at the Witches Academy Of Berwick written from the eyes of the 3 best friends. Keitha, Noah and Emily,
I suck at summaries but I...