Maeve, during her junior year of high school meets a boy named Malaki a senior from the rival high school, through his little sister. Maeve is an outgoing, spunky, and f...
Rider of the Spirit Dragonby Clara
Tabby hasn't seen her mother for years, ever since the divorce between her mother and father. Since then, she's developed a loathing for her real mother, and wishes that...
Oath by Lover Of Bad Boys
"You can't just turn them off Kolbie!" I look at Kendall then I looked at Brady "We are best friends!" I looked at Kendall again.
"Why did you...
Closerby Lover Of Bad Boys
Kaiya Wilson was a some what good girl, she gets average grades, she went to parties, she did what she wanted. She is very close to her family. She has one more year lef...
.by V I C T O R I A N S E A T U R...
Carly, age 18, is finally heading to college. She's finally leaving the busted up, Welshing, Alabama. She's lived there as long as she can remember, more specifically si...
The Fostersby Sarah
Emma, a foster child, has lived her entire life being thrown around different foster homes throughout the south. Finally, she thinks she has found a forever home at the...
L'a Capone love story (Squeal)by Beauty_B16
The kids are all grown up now and theres more tea than then anything in this Squeal so you guys read to find out, i know you guys have been dieing to know the rest well...