The guardian of greed kamen rider...by Kamen rider Neo Decade
OOO the banished the greed and himself by trying to obtain the ultimate power after thousands of year's the greed have been awakend whit a new allie the new kamen rider...
Random Thoughts of a Random Teenag...by mxryxngxlx
Completely RANDOM THOUGHTS of RANDOM TOPICS written by a very RANDOM girl.
Fruit Awards 2018 ( CLOSED )by graphics for awards
Omg!! I got
#1 in contests
#1 in certificates
can't believable..🙈
The Car Awards 2017 (Closed)by graphics for awards
We discover an award deserving stories which are written by unknown authors!!
The Legend of Snowbella (Yo Kai Wa...by Evoli Galaxy
A mysterious girl appeared at Nate's elementary school. Her name is Snowbell Saiko. Whisper suspects something about her. Nate knows she's hiding something but what exa...
What Is a Marathon Medalsby dhmedal
Marathon medal, what is it? Everyone may have different views on marathon medal, but the only thing that is the same is that marathon medal is an honor for athletes. Nex...
Nighttime Olympicsby Rachel Klueck
Riley Asparagustine, the college student girl, and her friends, Constance Vernonson, Matilda Heggleton, Darla Slickerman, Jack Branchwood, Henry Edwardson and Barry Tank...
More Than Just A Medalby emkilaila
Jihoon puts both his palms on the other's cheek and he smiles cheekily at him. "Win that medal Soonyoung, I know you can. Win that medal for me, for yourself. Win t...
Awards Graphics 🔖OPENby graphics for awards
#7 in logo on 7 November 2019
This book is made for the help of awards as they are discovering an unknown authors!!
So, for every award it is necessary to have a correc...
Alice was living the high life until one mishap changed it all. But with this mishap good came, a group of transfers that called themselfeves EXO, that included her cous...
Fruit Awards 2k19 |||| CLOSED||||by graphics for awards
#1 in certification on 7 November 2019
#1 in Medals
#2 in certificates
We find the gems and deserving authors whos to be awarded as best book writer!!
Get participate a...
The Secret Seven & Prizes Medals L...by JonesClayton
This story is my imagine.It's just based on the one that I have heard.There are (7) Detechtives Children and they detech about the prizes medals lost.That prizes belong...
SP Industries is Manufacturer and...by spiindustries98
Quality metal sheets are sliced to the expected shapes and sizes utilizing accuracy cutting devices, for example, laser cutters and CNC machines. Metals are melted and p...