Silent Melody (YanSim Fanfic) (Meg...by Majin Yamamoto
Majin "Jijin" Yamamoto is a daughter of a well known Attorney in Japan. She is a transferee student in Akademi High, she chose that school just to follow her c...
Love Letters to the Dead by ♡♥♡
After two years, David can't get over his wife's death, Antonela.
Leaving behind her daughter, David must become a much loving and almost impec...
~' Sleepyworld '~ #1by PrettyDepressedRn
This isnt a fnafverse story but its a good plot if you give it time. There might be a sequel!!
The Tale of the Two Swordsby Awishkar Mudbari
Abiral, a 15-year-old boy is unsatisfied with his life, constant bullying, and discrimination were nothing new for him. He is fed up with all the suffering when an old m...
Player 2by Devilsven2
This book is an entising thriller about a game. This is about a real world interactive game that has a secretive purpose. Our protagonist, Cairo, is a normal person li...
the novel universeby mason Richard
this universe comprises of novels like Tarzan,king Kong,and dracula to name a few.
Small Town Murdersby Vonquiqui PP
A small gated community has a dark murderer running around killing and taunting the police. Will he or she be caught?
P.S, Nobody in this story is real, it is just based...
Losing timeby Lezdoodees
a young girl is desperate to find her mom.
Thoughts he ever knew here , her desire for her loving parent was dream bigger than any goal, or any want she could ever imag...