Our Little Bonding Campby Leaf Water 🍵
It started when Viktor's grieving got too much for Yuuri. Now don't get me wrong, Yuuri was grieving as well, but it was getting to the point where he no longer felt he...
Rudá, barva leduby ❄️ Yurio ❄️
Neměl jediný důvod cítit se nešťastný. Vyhrál Grand Prix, porazil Yuuriho, ukázal Victorovi, jak šeredně se spletl a teď mířil domů do rodného Ruska.
V životě Yuriho Pli...
Blackbird's Song is Over Now.by SNK-Sailor-Bebop-Lover
"Hey, JJ, let's not forget to ask him the questions."
"Wait a minute, what questions?"
"Such as, how many of the undead have you killed?"