Tale Of Hearts by Shraeya (previously known as...
Agalya, a chirpy and fun filled college student falls heads over heels for her brother's bestfriend ever charming, Aarav,a cardiologist. Aarav too has feelings for her b...
Maya and The Indicts (COMPLETED)by shaheedaserdeeq
A nigerian story of a girl who gave up her dreams, her ambitions to follow another path, to save the man she loves.
Maya is a Nigerian/Omani and a Hausa/arab girl base...
Brothers Through It All. ~Cashby...by Ginger Princess 👑
Kellin and Alan have been close since their parents got married. They can't really remember a time without the other since it happened when Alan was 3 and Kellin was 5...
GIS Properties Apartments, Rooms...by gisproperties
Apartments, flats, rooms, and office space for rent in Oman with GIS at an affordable price. GIS properties include a portfolio of Residential, Commercial, Malls, wareho...
Alphabet Lore but Countriesby Shi_Chara
Alphabet Lore belongs to the creator
But Alphabet Lore with Countries is mine so DO NOT STEAL MY ART WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!
Top 10 Mobile App Development Comp...by India App Developer
Searching for App Development Companies in Oman? Here is the list of Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies in Muscat Oman. Feel Free to Contact them for developing mob...