Tale Of Hearts by Shraeya (previously known as...
Agalya, a chirpy and fun filled college student falls heads over heels for her brother's bestfriend ever charming, Aarav,a cardiologist. Aarav too has feelings for her b...
Khadija Najma fell, she fell hard and deep. She loved the man who doesn't care, she fell in love but she fell in an unrequited, unreciprocated, unwanted love with the cr...
Brothers Through It All. ~Cashby...by Ginger Princess 👑
Kellin and Alan have been close since their parents got married. They can't really remember a time without the other since it happened when Alan was 3 and Kellin was 5...
Maya and The Indicts (COMPLETED)by shaheedaserdeeq
A nigerian story of a girl who gave up her dreams, her ambitions to follow another path, to save the man she loves.
Maya is a Nigerian/Omani and a Hausa/arab girl base...
FAITH OF THE PIOUSby Mutiat Abdulafeez Adesina
Mufaidah, She is a very unique girl in her own way. A faithful muslimah. Deals with the opposite sex in line with her religious morals and she would never compromise her...
The Ethereal Echoes of Oman's Mosq...by salalahtravel
The Sultanate of Oman, with its rich tapestry of history and culture, is a land where spirituality resonates through the ages.
Autobiographyby mehreenmansoor13
So here's my crappy autobiography which I'd be blessed if anyone liked.
Muscat Livestockby MuscatLivestock
Muscat Livestock not only make the country's finest red meat, but through sustainable job creation, we empower our farmers and butchers to build a brighter future. Our s...
Austin Carlile is my dadby im-cuddling-perry
Justine is a 14 year old girl who was taken from a her mother at the age of 4 because her mother had died in an accident just as she start to lose hope her life became c...
Oman's Nomadic Trails: Embracing B...by salalahtravel
The sun dips low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the dunes of Oman's deserts. Here, where sand meets sky, the rich traditions of the Bedouin people have thri...