Paris memoriesby Kensie
Sneak peek: "I would give up this job in a second if it meant we could have the life we always talked about!" "Well, I can't send you back in time to Par...

Last kiss goodbye in Parisby Kensie
Sneak peek: Their last kiss in Paris is her most replayed memory, perhaps it was so heartbreaking for her because she knew it would be the last time she would see him...

A fallen snowflake, a fallen kiss...by Kensie
Their lips mould together like they used to do eight years ago. It's Jenny who pulls away from the kiss this time when she needs to breathe. She smiles a little as she l...

Semper fi- Always Faithfulby Kensie
A married couple has been fighting for months. When one of them suggests a divorce, the other one backs out, determined to make their marriage work again. Will they get...