The Scare Crowby wemaurer001Free verse short story about a scare crowdebbieharfstrichardsonmarygriebkirkmaurer+5 more Raccoonsby wemaurer301Acrostic poem about raccoonsmarygriebjohnrichardsonpennyniadna+4 more Mom Prayed for You and Meby wemaurer001poem about my mother and all those she prayed forkirkmaurerdebbieharfstrichardsonbobgrieb+6 more My Summer Dreamby wemaurer101A Sonnettt about summerdebbieharfstrichardsonpennyniadnabonnemaurer+5 more The Snail and the Inchwormby wemaurer701Sonnet about a snail and an inchwormmaurerjohnmaurerlani+7 more The Hikeby wemaurer1501Sonnet about a hikedebbieharfstrichardsonbobgriebpennyniadna+5 more Mint and Peppermintby wemaurer501Trivia question poem about mint and peppermintjohnrichardsonbobgriebmarygrieb+5 more Harry Boschby wemaurer6821Name poem about Harry Boschmaurerdebbieharfstrichardsonjillmaurer+5 more Dance Musicby wemaurer701Sonnetmarygriebdebbiejillmaurer+4 more