Blossoming Heroes: Eri and Kota's...by football-fan1
"Blossoming Heroes: Eri and Kota's Quirk Awakening" is an enchanting and immersive sequel to the heartwarming My Hero Academia tale of Eri and Kota's friendshi...
Terräe's Necklaceby 🌿
She wasn't supposed to be alive. Her mother was.
Her father and brother considered her a living reminder of her death.
Ava Martin.
A 14 year old girl who feels unwant...
Not Meby Life160
Ever since Yamio Moriko was born everyone has always expected her to follow in her parent's footsteps and become a cold-hearted killer and one of the most dangerous crim...
Wickedby Angelica
"I was never loved, not once. A means to an end, a rebound, a mystery to figure out. And in the end a toy to be used, broken, then tossed away like useless trash. N...