Fraud Perpetrated by William Donal...by David Richard
Russian businessman Pavel Labusov got scammed by an American investor William Donald Redfern. And this big scam has been covered up by reputable banks such as TD Bank an...
Where The Red Fern Grows Epilogueby Dead Account
I finished the book and I started imagining what would happen after the end...
Expository Essay: Belongingby machee
Prompt: 'Our sense of belonging is shaped by our surroundings.' Texts used: 'The Arrival' (graphic novel) by Shaun Tan, 'The Lost Thing' (short film) by Shaun Tan and 'R...
The Darkest Hourby She Who Must Not Be Named
The Apocalypse has happened and the Daybreakers have fallen. Now, living under an oppressive regime where cries go unheard, several characters as different as dawn, day...
Night World Series: Runaway (Book...by iyah
Lea is the only female and the only human working on a vampire's bar. Having the ability to hear human thoughts made her feel comfortable working on a bar full of vampir...
Legacy Bank covers the crimes of W...by David Richard
The name of William Donald Redfern appears in The New York Times about the Zeltser case and the organized criminal embezzlement of deposits of thousands of Russians in I...
Herldon: King of Wordsby Chloe's Cat
A short story based in the 'Smattersmuff/Redfern' Universe on the planet Skaari.