Connor and Michael Williamse's Adv...by Mikołaj Feleńczak
Join an Ultimatrix wielder and multiverse explorer Connor Williams as he arrives at an little town called Adventure Bay where he meets a 10-years old tech-savvy boy name...
A Reformed King, A Misunderstood R...by StarStuddedStudios
This is a reformed King Sombra and FlutterShy one-shot.
There's X and there's XS|Chemical...by FionaFargazer
For ten years the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys lived without their powers under the same roof and going to the same school in relative peace. Then it all comes...
Talking to Carlaby shrekyardigans
Set after 'Spirit of a Wizard'. Elena has a discussion with Carla about what's been happening in Avalor lately.
[I do not, and never will, own Elena of Avalor.]