WORDS UPOUN WORDSby Michael Owusu Ansah
I texted my friend the phrase "today has been a lot of words and tomorrow will be more" because of course it's speech season and that's a lot of words. So then...

HOPEby Michael Owusu Ansah
This one is so..... but I specifically tried to make it more hopeful. Hence the name "hope". Thanks for joining me, I'll try to make my next one more happy and...

HEAVENS NURSERYby Michael Owusu Ansah
Today has been an emotional day so throwback to the time when I had a delayed reaction to my moms miscarriage that happened when I was like 1 and then wrote 2 poems abou...

THIS OLD HOUSEby Michael Owusu Ansah
I wrote this one after a visit to the house my mother grew up in. Unfortunately, the house has since then been torn down and had an apartme...

HIBERNATIONby Michael Owusu Ansah
Sweet and sour
Can winter be over now? Like it was nice for a while but I'm kinda over it.

Left Behindby Michael Owusu Ansah
I just find it funny how we all waited for someone else, but nobody waited for me.

CREATIONby Michael Owusu Ansah
Gods creation is beautiful, you are part of Gods creation, therefore you are beautiful!

FREEDOMby Michael Owusu Ansah
I don't know who needed to hear this today, but I definitely did. Whether your fear is over something happening you can't control, or just general stress, cuz let's face...