Whispers of Fate: A Tale of Love a...by Eliza9194343
"Whispers of Fate: A Tale of Love and Redemption" is an enchanting story that follows the forbidden love between Alex and Victor. Set in a world torn apart by...
A Melody of Love and Desiresby Misfitpoetrychannel
Indulge your senses and immerse yourself in a captivating journey through the pages of "Whispered Verses: A Melody of Love and Desires." Within this enchanting...
What's Your Type?by princevamp
They asked me what's my type was in love and I just expressed my feelings~
<3 Lulu x Tristana <3by -pancakey-
Two Yordles for Purple and Blue, both coming from the same race, a very perfect mix between the two. Eventually, they find themselves to have a much stronger bond than t...