Rubilax Stories

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9 Stories

Second Chances Do Exist (Yugo X Reader) by JekyllandHyde01
Second Chances Do Exist (Yugo X Crystal Methany
"ᖻᓍᑘᖇ ᘜᓍᓰᘉᘜ ᖶᓍ ᕲᓍ ᘿ᙭ᖶᖇᗩᓍᖇᕲᓰᘉᗩᖇᖻ ᖶᕼᓰᘉᘜS ᓍᘉᘿ ᕲᗩᖻ" She whispered in that gentle and smooth tone of hers. "ᖻᓍᑘᖇ ᘜᓍᓰᘉᘜ ᖶᓍ ᘜᘿᖶ ᗩᘉᓍᖶᕼᘿᖇ ᑢᕼᗩᘉᑢᘿ. ᗷᑘᖶ Sᕼᕼᕼ," s...
A hero with a weird watch in the world of twelve by jgms2008
A hero with a weird watch in the joão gabriel moura sampaio
A young man, after sacrificing himself to save a girl, is confronted with his own death and offered the opportunity to reincarnate in another universe. Accepting, he cho...
Wakfu- a fanfic (Discontinued) by Star_OfTheShow
Wakfu- a fanfic (Discontinued)by Fable
I do not own Wakfu, I wish I did but I don't.
The Eliatrope King by Star_OfTheShow
The Eliatrope Kingby Fable
Just as the Eliatrope Kingdom gets on its feet, Royals across the World Of The Twelve begin to go missing. Kings and Queens, Princesses and Princes. They all gradually b...
+14 more
Years by ILOVEcandy34
Yearsby Fruitisgoodto
This is my own little AU where Yugo looks like the characters in the Wakfu game. With all the cool little markings. After the fight with Oropo, Yugo and Adamai go thei...
Spring Recolection by Lil_Mr_Dango
Spring Recolectionby ➥ ✏️🌕
A small short that takes place before season 3 in which Rubilax does a bit of self reflecting one spring morning. [ Season 1&2 spoilers ahead! If you haven't already I r...
an unknown world (a wakfu fanfic) by Lunadreamer27
an unknown world (a wakfu fanfic)by Lunadreamer27
you y/n l/n were out in the woods after running away from home in the middle of the night when you say a weird glow from one of the trees you touched it and before you k...
The human inside us all by cutiecake1209
The human inside us allby cutiecake1209
When Yugo and the others visit Wagnar to see an artifact his new apprentice guardian, Izabelle, found, known as the "Bangal of Innocence, but when Percedal accident...
Brotherhood's Xelor by jojojajahelp
Brotherhood's Xelorby HARUKAMI
A 15 year old Xelor who goes by the name Pyran, a wanderer who wields small time magic meets the Brotherhood of the Tofu (before they've fully formed obviously)