When both Dak and Leyla get turned into dragons by a young and inexperienced witch in training, they must find a way to tell their friends while at the same time trying...
When Cutter and Aggro accidentally lose sight of the rest of the team during a storm, they find an unknown island to seek shelter in. But the cave on the island has a da...
It has been a few months since Dak and Leyla were turned into dragons. And as time passes, Leyla's feelings for Winger have grown more than just a sibling bond. Will Agg...
Aggro has had a crush on Summer ever since they met one another, however, the young fire fury is too afraid to confess her feelings. But Aggro isn't the only one falling...
It's been a year since Aggro joined the Rescue Riders. She developed a huge crush on Cutter in that time. One day the two fly to an island to relax. But what appeared to...