Red Hair and Black Paintby polarizedstars698597Josh is an art geek and Tyler's an underground rapperjoshdunjoshlerskeletonboyfriends+2 more to my youth (call this the funeral)by kat |-/1521an ending.Completedskeleboyfriendsskeletonboyfriendstwentyonepilots+3 more venom skiesby kat |-/2511josh should know better than to go wandering the graveyard at this time of night (but this time it turned out to be a pretty good idea) ((ps this is just gonna be a coll...skeleboyfriendsjoshlertylerjoseph+3 more ::im alive::by kat |-/7631joshler stuff based off of all around me by flyleaftwentyonepilotsjoshdunjoshler+3 more hearts adoreby kat |-/937491just a lil joshler fic based on sweater weather by the neighbourhoodCompletedskeletonboyfriendstwentyonepilotstylerjoseph+2 more