Principle and application method pd5213344
Conductive adhesive, an adhesive that exhibits specific conductive properties after curing or drying, its unique conductive properties and a wide range of application sc...
Analysis of QFN package bridging pd5213344
Bridging in QFN packages is particularly common between the inner rows of solder joints in double-row QFNs, and relatively rare in single-row QFNs.Bridging occurs when s...
The method of preparing fine pd5213344
There are various ways to prepare fine solder powder, and five commonly used methods are described below:
LGA device soldering failure pd5213344
LGA (Land Grid Array) is the use of the device body pad as the solder side of the components, under the BTC device, and QFN similar. LGA has no pins and solder balls, an...
What are the well-known brands pd5213344
Fluxes do play a vital role in the manufacturing industry, especially in the electronics manufacturing industry.There are many of its well-known brands, each of which oc...
What are the solder paste pd5213344
There are various methods of solder paste viscosity testing, each with its own specific scope of application, advantages and disadvantages.Below is an overview of severa...
Does solder paste expire?by pd5213344
Solder pastes can expire. The shelf life of solder pastes generally ranges from 6 months to 1 year, with finer ultra-micro solder pastes or epoxy pastes having a somewha...
Microstructure and mechanical pd5213344
There is a strong link between the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the solder joints, such as the cooling rate, creep and fatigue properties, as well as...
The Impacts of Laser and Reflow pd5213344
With the advent of the "post-Moore era", heterogeneous integration based on small chips will become the mainstream of semiconductor packaging. Small chips tend...
High-Temperature solder on Flip pd5213344
Flip-chip interconnection technology has been widely used in high-performance and consumer electronics. High-performance packaging has achieved steady development, reali...
The Evolution of Intermetallic pd5213344
With the advent of the post-Moore era, electronic components are gradually developing in the direction of miniaturization, complex structure, and functional integration...
Detailed explanation of the pd5213344
In the electronic assembly process, dropped parts and solder balls are common quality problems, they have a direct impact on the reliability and performance of the produ...
How to set the conditions for pd5213344
Fine-pitch components (e.g. QFN, BGA, etc.) have extremely high requirements for solder paste uniformity, thickness and edge definition due to their small pin spacing. A...
Under-tin and under-printing in pd5213344
The phenomena of less tin and missed prints in the SMT (Surface Mount Technology) process are common quality problems, and they have an important impact on the quality a...
What are the factors that affect pd5213344
Lead-free soldering does present some solder joint reliability challenges relative to traditional lead (Pb) containing processes. This stems mainly from the differences...
Ultra-Fine Epoxy Solder Paste pd5213344
The camera module refers to the optical and optoelectronic devices that can convert optical signals into electrical signals. A mobile phone camera module is composed of...
Tin whisker phenomenon in pd5213344
Tin whiskers are elongated, needle-like single crystals of tin that form spontaneously on the surface of pure tin (Sn) or tin-containing alloys. These whiskers are usual...
Which is better, flux or rosin?by pd5213344
Flux and rosin each have their own characteristics and advantages in the soldering process, the choice of which is better to use needs to be based on specific applicatio...
solderby pd5213344
The wetting reaction of a lead-free eutectic solder to a metallised layer under a thick Cu bump involves a number of aspects, and the following is a detailed analysis of...
Difference between flux and pd5213344
Fluxes and flux pastes both play an important role in the soldering process, but there are some distinct differences in their composition, use, form, and application sce...