Restarting The Wild Swans: An Unof...by SabineBottone
In this story, a young soothsayer predicts that the kingdom where The Wild Swans ended will one day fall to the forces of evil. With this knowledge, she bravely sets out...
Where Are We Nowby LunarWOLF786
What happens when a couple of teenagers are ripped from their reality and thrown into a world of fantasy. Here they will learn how to survive, and maybe get into some tr...
Before the Last Snowby bhaavyaj🌘
Ghosts are born after people die, but Crystal was special. She was born as a ghost, right from her mother's womb, because she sacrificed herself to save her own sister...
The Birthby Ehijie Moses Onosetale
Urhmmm hey guys and girls .....I decided I won't post more poems .....well my birthday was on the 17th so I had to drop this for everyone ......
This is really not a typ...
A Visit to Potter's Fieldby Marva Dasef
Asking a favor from a deceased gypsy may not work out as you thought.