Beyond the pillarby ExejoX
Light novel set in a richly imagined world where multiple races coexist, each with unique abilities and philosophies. The story follows the journey of a protagonist driv...
The Elements Collideby Emily Bulfin
This is my first story so I may have made some mistakes, feel free to comment how to fix them. I am looking for a cover so if you have some ideas then go ahead and send...
(still thinking of a name)by SangoSai
this isn't your ordinary werewolf story.
NOTICE: come back in 2018.
Twinflameby Christina Katherine
In this Universe, there are many untold truths. We humans have to discover a lot. What about Twin flame? Is it real? How can they managed to live separately in two bodie...
Freaks of Speculoby Doa
Speculo, the human world has 2 kinds of humans; normals and portens.
Portens are usually called freaks by normals, and they are rare only 1 out of 10 people is a porten...