Will I Be Yours ?by SSL
A school girl has crush on a singer and that singer is coming to her school for a event.
Will they both meet and talk ?
Let's see how their life is going to be...

She-Ra: Ss 7by adoraswife
Before you freak out and say, "SEASON 6?? WHEN?" Someone made a fanfiction that was kind of season 6, and I wanted to continue it as a ss 7. The first page wil...

Telco Breach and Attack Simulation...by Security Gen
Founded in 2022, SecurityGen is a global start-up focused on telecom security. We deliver a soslid security foundation for driving secure Telco digital transformations a...

IDS - Intrusion Detection System P...by Security Gen
In a digital world driven by critical infrastructure and sensitive data, all legacy network --2G, 3G, 4G- LTE - and even 5G are easily exploitable. Flaws in signalling p...