Discord Enters the World of Equest...by Silverflame
What would happen if Discord went into the world of Equestria Girls behind the mirror?
Discord was dared by Spike and Big Mac to spend a whole day in the world behind th...
A Royal Problemby CrystalHeart175
A friendship problem arises in Canterlot and it's up to Twilight, Dusk, Sunset, Glare, Starlight and Stellar to solve it and that problem turns out to be the Royal Sibli...
The nine princesses by sekarpramesti
The mane six was already became an Alicorns,but Rainbowdash was the strongest ones she's ruled with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in canterlot,while Twilight and R...
My Drawing Book by Snowflake Obsidian
In this book I'm go to show guys all my drawing I have done
EG: legend of everfree AUby meme
What if giah had succeeded in taking over camp everfree and trapping the students in her thick bush of nature and magic.