Miriam Ade, a bright and innocent nine-year-old girl, had her life turned upside down when a trusted figure shattered her childhood. In the wake of a horrific incident...
Ashes to Ashesby Penn
The mission is more than just survival. It's about saving each other from the darkness within.
Ryder has a violent past. And Naomi is running from hers. Together, they...
Shadow Of The Fate by Ahmed El Masry
The story takes place in the near future, after 98% of humanity has been wiped out and Earth has been left in ruins by creatures from the underworld seeking revenge on h...
Title: Lies in the Sheets
Deception runs deep, and trust can be deadly.
When Anna falls for the charming Cale...
Venom: Shadows of Extinctionby Bibble
In a desolate, post-apocalyptic world, Eddie Brock and his symbiote Venom stand as the last line of defense against the remnants of a sinister force known as the Dominio...
The Aftermath of Narcissistic Ttanner37
The story follows a mother and her young daughter as they navigate the emotional and mental impact of a relationship with a narcissistic partner. Set in the aftermath of...
Unchainedby aarovuux
In Unchained, a gripping tale of survival and resilience, we meet Rhea, a woman haunted by the shadows of her past. At twenty-six, she struggles to navigate the complexi...
the effects of abuseby Kaylaaaa💓😘
Frankie was only 26 and living in a nightmare..she's been with her abuser for 2 years and she struggles to break free from the cycle..Will she break it before things tak...
When Trust Shattersby YUROOJ_45
Trapped in a web of trust and betrayal, Sohini's life was irrevocably altered when the person she confided in became her worst fear. Her mother's sister's husband, a guy...
Through the storm:A Journey of Ayah824
*Through the Storm: A Journey of Healing and Hope* is a touching story about Tommy, a five-year-old boy who has endured abuse and homelessness. His life changes when Joh...
The New Motherby BhaumikK
Inspired by the events of my mother's life, this short story is a journal entry of the horrific events in her life. The parts that you would think are fiction are real...
Enigma of Shattered Serenity by Yennefer Yen
Enigma of Shattered Serenity A psychological thriller where Yen, a survivor with a tough past, confronts her traumas in therapy. Secrets unfold, revealing a world color...
It's not you're fault by M.
Based off of a true story it's not you're fault covers themes such as toxic and abusive relationships, sexual assault and harassment, mental illness, love and other stro...
For My Sisterby Aasyia Lancester
Jess is dead.
Her sister, Ivy, has been waiting for this moment for as long as she can remember. Growing up, she longed for the day she would be free of hospitals and d...
A Bright Nightmareby MD Lye
A short story where a girl recalls the moment when she lost everything in a savage, post-apocalyptic world.
The Survivors of the end by EmilieHannah27
Why did the dinosaurs go extinct? why did all the mammals of the ice age go extinct? Why is the human race going to go extinct? The dinosaurs where the first thriving li...