Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003:...by Through-the-movies
Fifteen years has passed since the near-accident that changed the lives of one rat and eight infant turtles. Now, those same turtles: six brothers and two sisters, who a...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003...by Cat Jana
I think the 2003 series is very good and should've gone on for longer but it didn't so I had to take matters into my own hands. And I also added in a self insert OC. And...
Po And Equestria Ninja Girls and C...by Cassandra Bravo
When Pororo, Barnacles, and others Peso crash the Gup-H in the Yucatan Jungle, in order to get Coba the little octopus home, they have to dive in the Sac Actun Caves to...
Nineteen's Captured Kidnapped And...by Cassandra Bravo
Nineteen is 16 and was crying and Severely Cryptor appeared has been captured and kidnapped