#1DOG GONE ITby What's So Funny?1601punjokeefl+10 more #2HEAD QUARTERSby What's So Funny?601efltesolpun+6 more #3AIN'T GOIN' NOWHEREby What's So Funny?1101esleltjoke+8 more #4DRINKS ARE ON THE (COURT) HOUSEby What's So Funny?801judgeeltenglish+8 more #5THE HARDER THEY COME, THE HARDER T...by What's So Funny?1401teachenglishpun+8 more #6What training do you need for ESL...by TESall TESOL301If you a certified English teacher, you are eligible for ESL TEFL TESOL jobs abroad. It is English teaching but it is different from regular teaching in a school. Here E...trainingesltefl+2 more #7ALONE AGAIN, NATURALLYby What's So Funny?701eslplayenglish+9 more