The Shining Reaches! The Dark Dime...by Chris Jenkins
Following the events of the; The Shining Reaches Salerian Awakening book, this epic sequel takes a darker turn and deeper twist. When Kiera and her family learn about th...
The Shining Reaches! (Salerian Awa...by Chris Jenkins
In a modern day and age where injustices occur daily, the beautiful LaQueesha Dominion has it all. The stand up husband and beautiful daughter. But after a violent heino...
The Shining Reaches: Dark Ascent!by Chris Jenkins
The fall of a King, The deceit of a broken heart, and the rise of the ultimate superhero group.... Kavian was the former king of the Shining Reaches, but after he is ove...
The Shining Reaches! Xoulerion Fal...by Chris Jenkins
After feeling one of the most tragic losses of all time K.J. Magic aka Star Magician goes into exile and relieves himself of his superhero duties. Feeling rage and hate...