Hero of Justice (Fate/Stay Night U...by Mage-O-Karp
A year into the aftermath of the Holy Grail War, Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka were now happily studying together in the Clocktower school for Maguses. This all changes a...
The Ultimate Heroby Raul Valdivia
The Throne of Heroes. A place that exists beyond time and space. All the legends of all the greatest heroes throughout history from all the realities are recorded there...
Servants in Remnantby shadowstp
What if Servants from the Nasuverse were summoned to Remnant? How well would they adapt to a world that was infested with Grimm? And how did they get summoned there?
Master of Death: A Chaldean Advent...by Christy Embry
Harry is sent into the body of an alternate self after learning everything he could on his dying world. He has agreed to discard certain skillsets and experiences in ret...