Life Is Miserable. by allenrosepabular
liking someone that is inlove with your bestfriend is so hard and it hurts a lot.

Purple Poems | Poetryby colored paper
Poems that are as deep as the colour purple.
Love, hurt, and all that are in between.
| haikus only |
- cover template is not mine -

Lyricism💯by သစ္ၾကားသီးေလး💌🦋
စကားလံုးမ်ားအျဖစ္ အသြင္ေျပာင္းထားေသာ

To someone.by D.A.R ♔
A book that contains all the words that I wanted to say, but couldn't say at all.
© | sebbyxdar | 12.04.16