MisAdventure Time (Adventure Time...by Supreme Uchiha
Adventure Time Fanfic
In a land of Ooo, dwells a very mischievous little boy. He doesn't know where he comes from, he doesn't know who he is, but he does know who his f...
Two girls one apple pie by Sussy Baka 69
Applejack is an adventurous pony who finds herself in the magical Land of Ooo, where she is met with a strange mysterious creature with who she shares a mutual interest...
Marshal lee x reader :pby itsyalocalweeb
I'm just bored rly and love this boy but I'll try to make it good 😌
Rootbeerby GayFishInABucket
A ridiculous and funny (I hope) short story about Tree Trunks having a night out by herself after being disappointed by Mr. Pig.
Adventure time x Undertale thingy.by Vincent Herrera-Fairbairn
It's literally a crossover. Bubbline, Soriel, Flame Princess x Finn, and Charisk are canon.