"My... fanboy?" Shuichi x Pregame...by Pregame Shu
HELLO! Credits to maonaru on Twitter (I love the art.) Yes this does include Shuicest. No, this is not a meme story. This is legit. I will not hesitate to block anyone w...
"My second in command~" Kokichi x...by Pregame Shu
Art by PokayMePlz on Pinterest. Finally! I stopped complaining about how I wanted to make a Kokichi x pregame Kokichi and just made one! I promise I'll make a late Valen...
"Star buddies!!!" Pregame Kaito x...by Pregame Shu
First! I don't know who drew the cover- Sorry- But love it! And credit to the artist! Also #PregameKaitoisbestboy.