My NEW opinion on shipsby Oof my account is deeeaaad
I get to rant about shipping for your entertainment

Gang rp by Oof my account is deeeaaad
One gang against a big city. Many have broken off and tried to make it on their own. Many tried to make their own and few have succeeded. Those who have never made it bi...

Romance rpby Oof my account is deeeaaad
I'll admit that Valentine's Day got to my head for a bit but this will be good. No promises

PETITIONby Oof my account is deeeaaad
An unofficial petition to try to get a Doctor Who theme park. I just want an opinion on this subject.

Steven Universe Funnyby Oof my account is deeeaaad
I shall make you laugh with Steven Universe things!

Echos Of Claraby Oof my account is deeeaaad
Just a short story doctor who fanfic featuring Clara and her echos. These are separate stories and some of them will have another part to it.

Wings: A Roleplayby Oof my account is deeeaaad
You are an avian person (winged person) and you have just escaped Them. Some have just woken up in Their laboratories. Others have escaped into the real world.