#1Oh yeah, fucking ass chicken stripsby Mlem-Mlem144011I don't even know what this iscrackineedhelpiamdying+7 more #2DARES READDDDDDDDDDDDD IMA BANANAby Unknown2423READ AND DAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEdaresssssyoooooo #3karlnap oneshots by 🍞7211Hello! Requests are open! I do: Fluff Angst Lemon And occasionally smutoneshotsangstfluff+6 more #4just poetry i feel like writing by kimchisfrieddick104basically just how i feel lmao😭yeahyeahlololpoetrycollection+7 more #5Reasons Why I Shouldn't Be Around...by ashton3732Just a bunch of rants and shit like thatstupidshitrantsyoooooo+1 more #6ummmm my life igby Mickey :)102713Updates on my life idk yyoooooobritishschool+5 more #7Love story HSby Arcticfreak81963Chloe is average Harry isn't Hu hu *wiggles eyebrows*Completednialllouiszzzzzz+14 more #8The make up artist ❤️❤️by Leona_Lynch311This is a fun weird storyyoooooo