#1Sunday Baqueta y yoby Fran_Modena2103YOOOOOOOyooooooo #2art contestby t0tallyb0nker1001uhm ig? balls 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🗣🔥🔥🔥❗🗣🗣🗣❗❗🗣🗣🗣❗❗❗🔥🔥🔥gtfyctfyctfyartuhm+13 more #3Yo Mommaby CRYSTAL7121Yo momma. nuff saidCompletedawesomepoemrandom+2 more #4home alone by ITZ_ej3602im sorry momyooooooocreppyooo+2 more #5YOOOOOOOby ✨8853331Save me from this hell called life pleyoooooooabsolutelyrandomwhat+1 more #6nominaciones!!by Cam :31323esto es cuando me nominan y no espero que lo lean bye!!!yooooooo #7Just Tokyo Ghoul Stuffby so will you share a Gani2.6K11682BECAUSE I Love Tokyo Ghoul...! But these are actually filled with memes... and any other things related to Tokyo Ghoul (°___°)moretrashyoooooooimbored+16 more #8✨🍯by - ✨12195Read it why don't ya ?yooooooo #9Nope. Another Fantasy. by Sam.1202yo, im writin fantasymagicwhatsgoingongsl+4 more