*𝙸𝚃 𝙸𝚂 𝙰 𝙿𝚄𝚁𝙴 𝙵𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽. 𝙸𝚃 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝙽𝙾 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷 𝙰𝙽𝚈 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙻 𝙸𝙽𝙲𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝙾𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶.* "It feels right to be up this close night wind. It feels right to notice all the shiny things about you. About you there is nothing I wouldn't want to know..." "WITH YOU NOTHING IS SIMPLE YET NOTHING IS SIMPLER"❤